Saturday, 8 November 2014

10 Annoying Things Indian Girls Do - REVIEW

So, I don't really do reviews? But this particular post ? made me furious on levels I cannot even explain.

Thus, I decided to just write it out.

(The PURPLE is what the post read and RED is my review)

10 Annoying Things Indian Girls Do

1.Speaking English

No matter how bad their English is,they will always try to speak in English just to let everybody know that she can speak English.

Majority of us speak English because we CAN 
and not because we think it's cool. And what if some of us do that ? LIke the guys don't? Pfft. 
And don't even get me started about the grammatical mistakes the writer has made in this post. LOSER.

 2.Their Look To Men

 You’re not looking at her at all.But all of a sudden you just turn your face casually to her side.Even if you had no intention to check her out,she will think that you were just checking her out and she will act like “Phcuk Off”.

Like we don't have anything better to do in our lives ? When was the last time you saw a mirror? Lemme guess NEVER?

3.”The World Famous Bargaining”

This thing is in their genes.They can’t buy a product without bargaining.No matter how less the product costs,she has to bargain.She’ll eventually engage herself into a conflict with the vendor if she is not satisfied with the price.

Bargaining is an art to master. Nuff said.

4.The “Awwwwww…”

There’s no particular timing or particular reason for their “awwww”.They just say it whenever she wants to say.They say “awww” when someone says some lovely words to her,they say “awww”  whenever she watches her favourite hero on screen etc etc etc.

Aww is our bae. Back off.


Mark my words,during any sell ? she can’t live without spending at least few days going to mall and buying nothing or buying unimportant things at the end of the day.They go to shopping and buy things not because they need those things,they go to shopping just because it gives immense satisfaction to her soul.

And guys spending fortunes on Games is wise and important? 
What I don't get is how something we like to do is annoying to you ? :o
We don't judge
 you. Neither should you.
And BTW they meant "during every SALE" ? FAIL

6.All Guys Are Same

Okay,she has just broken-up with her boyfriend.The first thing she will do is writing a post on Facebook about how bad boys are,how cruel they are,how they don’t think of a girl’s emotion and when another boy comments “You choose the wrong one”, she will say “All boys are same”.I mean hello girls,you don’t live in China.If one guy broke your trust that just doesn’t mean “All guys are same”.

I have to agree because every guy is a loser in his own particular way. 

7.Compliments To Another Girl

When they see their friends at a party or a function,they will say “oh,you look sooo good”, “you’re looking fabulous in that dress”.Even if the other girl was really looking beautiful,as soon as they get away from each other,they will begin saying “omg..she was looking so bad in that dress”, “she copied my dressing-sense”.ku

Again. Because a few of us does this? It does not define US. *FacePalm*


They love “Gossiping”.They love to gossip about private life of other people like “Oh! I heard she is going for a date with him”, “Hey,you know she is gonna break-up”.Even though 60% – 70% of all this is false or just rumor,they love to gossip and spread rumors.Gossiping is like a rule of feminism.

Rule of FEMINISM What? Like hell. I didn't know there's a new PHD course on feminism which the writer has passed with flying colors? -_-

9.The Honey Singh And Enrique Factor

No matter how bad the song is,she will just say “It’s so fabulous” while listening to a Honey Singh song.The same goes for English songs.Even though she can’t understand a single word from a Enrique song,she will play it in front of everyone just to be “o-so-cool-type”.

Let's just take a minute of silence here for addressing your lameness? O:)

10.And Last But Not The Least….Dieting

They all want to be size zero,whether they say it or not.But once she sees a “Panipuri” stall then she becomes like “So what does dieting mean?” :P

How is OUR eating pani-puri during OUR dieting period is annoying to YOU? Dude you're writing is annoying. Like STFU.

How many you can relate to yourself or your friends :P. Please comment and let us know. Tag your friends too :D

Relate ? Pfft. 
I say the writer? You SUCK.
Actually I pity you for thinking so little of INDIAN girls. 
This post is only relatable to girls who have a peanut size brain like YOURS.

The only thing I am liking are the memes of the post.No offence.
What do you think? Are Girls, Indian or European or American or any for that matter, like this ?
Comment and share. (; 

Sunday, 2 November 2014


Hi there lovlies :)

For a change from all the inspiring posts that I write, I bring you guys a glimpse of one of my other interests.

More or less every girl loves to do it!
And trust me when I say, we'll spend hours to get it JUST right!

They're so small yet are SO important.

Girls? You know what I am taking about ;)
And guys? Haha. You can maybe forward this to some girl unless ofcourse you are curious too :p

No more suspense.

It's rightly said^

I love painting nails. ♡
So I thought I'd share it with y'll. :)



Hope you like them :D

Wish to see more of this ? Comment below.
I'd be more than happy to share.
Also check out my G+ page for more :)
and my Facebook page ? NAILS AND EVERYTHING. (Just Started)